Site Notice
Site Notice
responsible under § 5 TMG (German Telemediengesetz)
Adolf Luther Stiftung
Viktoriastraße 112
47799 Krefeld
- Gregor Kathstede, Vorsitzender
- Dr. Magdalena Broska, stellvertretende Vorsitzende
- Dieter Pützhofen
- Peter Welling
The Adolf Luther Foundation has been entered in the Foundation Register of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia, reg. no. 21.13-St.556
Tel: +49 (2151) 27 91 3
Fax: +49 (2151) 80 29 66
Idea, Design and technical development
Florian Monheim, Thorsten Jorzick
Liability for content
As a service provider we are responsible for our own content on these pages in keeping with German law (art. 7 para.1 TMG). According to German law (arts. 8 to 10 TMG) we as service providers are not however bound to monitor information stored or transmitted by third parties nor to investigate any situation that might indicate a breach of the law.
With this the obligation to remove or block the use of such information according to General Law remains unaffected. Such liability however is only comes into effect at such time as a specific violation becomes known. As soon as violations become known, we will at once remove the relevant content.
Liability for links
Our site contains links to external third-party websites whose content can in no way be influenced by us. For this reason we cannot be held liable for such third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of linked pages. At the time the link was established, the linked pages were checked for potential legal violations. No illegal content was apparent at the time of linking.
A permanent monitoring of the content of linked pages without any specific indication of a legal violation cannot to be expected. Should any such violations become known, we will immediately remove the links.
The content created by the operators of this site and works on these pages are subject to German copyright law. The duplication, processing, dissemination or any type of utilization beyond the bounds of the copyright law require the written approval of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of these pages are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.
Insofar as any content on this page has not been created by the operator, third-party intellectual property rights are maintained. Third-party content is especially identified as such. Should you nonetheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask you to notify us. If an infringements of the law become known to us, we will immediately remove the relevant content.
Copyright (Photos)
Copyright 2017. VG-Bildkunst, Bonn: Yaacov Agam, Arman, Willi Bauermeister, Joseph Beuys, Martin Boyce, Pol Bury, Marcel Duchamp, Lucio Fontana, Stephen Craig, Hermann Goepfert, Bethan Huws, Yves Klein, Adolf Luther, Piero Manzoni, Erich Reusch, Jan J.Schoonhoven, Jesus Rafael Soto, Katja Strunz, Blinky Palermo, Julius Popp, Andreas Slominski, Katja Strunz, Antoni Tàpies, Günther Uecker, Michel Verjux, Herbert Zangs
Copyright für die Künstler: El Lissitzky, Kasimir Malewitsch, Serge Poliakoff, Andreas Slominski, Ad Reinhardt, Dieter Roth, Wassily Takis, Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart, Walter Zehringer
Copyright 2017. Foto und Film. Archiv Adolf-Luther-Stiftung, Andreas Bischoff, Magdalena Broska, Krefelder Kunstmuseen (Volker Döhne), Rudolf Frings, Manfred Hanisch, Achim Kukulies, Norbert Miguletz, Gerd Plitzner, Friedrich Rosenstiel, SAMLA, Peter Sander, Lothar Wolleh, A.S.Wünkhaus, ZOA
Despite intensive research it has not in all cases been possible to establish the holder of the copyright for the reproductions. Rightful claims will of course be compensated according to the normal agreements.
Adolf Luther Foundation
was set up in 1989 by the Krefeld light and object artist Adolf Luther (1912- 1990) and in 1990 accredited by the State of North Rhine-Westfalia as a non-profit organisation founded under private law.
Viktoriastraße 112
47799 Krefeld
+49 (2151) 27 91 3