Catalogue raisonné

Catalogue raisonné

The Foundation keeps up a non-public catalogue raisonné of Adolf Luther’s works; owners of works by him may apply to have them entered in the catalogue.

Dr. Magdalena Broska; photo taken by Andreas Bischof ©
Dr. Magdalena Broska; photo taken by Andreas Bischof ©

Entry in the catalogue raisonné requires an expertise, which first entails bringing the work in “person”. In this way questions about mate­ri­al constitution, authen­ti­city and state of repair can be determined.

The following documents are necessary for an entry in the catalogue:

A digi­tal depiction of the work

  • from front and behind
  • of the signature, date, and if present of the stamp
  • details of provenance

After checks have been made and the expertise drawn up, the Foundation will send the owner a data sheet with the depiction of the work and its catalogue number.

The labour costs entailed  by this procedure will be covered by us.